
Customizable spreadsheet UI

We help companies build spreadsheet-like applications and customizable reports.


More than a spreadsheet library

We work with companies around the globe to implement highly-interactive spreadsheet-like applications that they use commercially.

End-to-end developer support

We develop on top of an extensive proprietary spreadsheet technology to suit your needs. Battle-tested formula support, mobile-rendering, import and export of XLSX files.

White label

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Use cases

Spreadsheet on Apache Spark

Meilynx runs simulations.


Highlight use case: Meilynx Financial Services


  • Languages
  • Python / Pyspark
  • Scala
  • Java
  • SQL (soon)
  • BigQuery (soon)
  • C# / DotnetSpark (soon)
  • Compute
  • Cloud Provider not required
  • On-Premises (soon)
  • Automatic dependency management
  • Pay per use
  • Runtime
  • Monitoring & Alerting
  • Versioning, Roll-back
  • Lifecycle Management

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